
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Doodle Doodle Oo

I am beginning to feel better and knew I was when I came into the art room and got my pen and my journal and began to doodle. You would think that being down with the flu I'd have had plenty of time to doodle and/or sketch, but all I wanted to do was drink tea and sleep.

Here is what I came up with yesterday:

And then I did this one. It was done using a red pen, but I forgot to change the settings on the scanner this morning. I had it set to scan in black and white.

 I didn't particularly like looking at that heart in black and white, so I just opened it in Photoshop and colorized it.

I am hoping to get some creative time today. I am planning to be at my daughter's house when the Magtag repairman comes. She bought a brand new stove in May and this is the second time someone has had to come out and replace the electronic controls. She asked...they don't have a lemon policy.

I am hoping to do a little bit of shopping while I am in town, but want to be careful not to overdo as I am not yet 100%.

Hope to see you tomorrow!



  1. Glad you are feeling better. Great doodles. You are sure having fun with them.

    I feel for your daughter. So much for Maytag's quality.

  2. Hi Vicki, I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Have you been following all the comments on your artist profile at The Artful Crafter blog? Wow!

    Did you see the request to feature your darling dominoes on one of her websites from Stefanie Girard?

    If you can't figure how to contact her, I can help. Stefanie is the author of the book "Sweater Surgery". I've seen her on DIY and HGTV, as well as in online crafting videos.

    Double wow!!

  3. Hope you continue to feel better and better! Love the heart!

  4. Glad you really feel better and can take up pens and brushes. Hope to see more of your art soon.

  5. Yay Photoshop!!!- and I'm glad our not feeling so dire!!!

    Thank you, by the by, for your kind comments and messages....
