
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mandalas in Color

I have found that making mandalas in color is much more difficult than making them in black and white. It completely changes the "doodling" aspect. Instead of randomly doodling and making my marks without too much thought, I now have to consider color and having to make that choice is making it a chore instead of a pleasure.

I think that for the rest of them, I will doodle in black and then color in some of the spaces. That way the pleasure will be preserved.

Here is what I was able to get accomplished while in the dentist's waiting room while the daughter was having two wisdom teeth pulled.

I thought I was going to get this finished and then begin another or work on the journals from found books, but the two year old stayed overnight; I was called by the 7 year old to ask me to drive into town to her house and help her get ready for school and then drive her there; the son called while I was gone to report that his 6 year old was sick and couldn't go to school, but he had to go to school, so he brought her out to the house; and that took care of any art time I was hoping to have.

To top off this past five days, Trevor, the cat belonging to the 2 and 7 year old, got out the door when someone wasn't careful and has not been seen since. That was three days ago. The girls have been making signs and going door to door and hanging them on posts in the neighborhood. We have reason to think he may not be coming home ever again.

Drama, drama! I am hopeful the girls can be convinced that Trevor has found another loving home, but will not be back, and that they will go to the shelter and choose another one.

I'm off to walk the treadmill, eat breakfast, shower and then do a bit of art before my "job exploration" that I will tell more about tomorrow.




  1. Vicki
    I like your zendala. What are you using to color it with? I hope Trevor comes back--you know how cats are-sometimes they wander away and do come back.

  2. Oh my, Vicki! Your plate is overflowing.

    You never know with cats. We had one which refused to leave the only home he'd known when we were moving 20 miles away.

    After much screeching, scratching and high drama, we finally got him into the car headed to the new home (which he had never been to).

    When we arrived, he flew out of the car like the proverbial bat out of hell. We were sure we'd never see him again.

    Our ex-neighbors spotted him lurking around the old house but couldn't corral him.

    A month later he showed up at the new house and walked straight in the door as if he owned it.

  3. its too stressful this way!!! LOL....I create them in black and then sit and colour much more restful!!! lazy too eh? LOL

  4. Hi Vicki, thanks for sharing you art (always!). I love your mandela and think you are so right about doing it first in black ink and then coloring later as you please. Preserve the pleasure!! Yes!! As for the kitty, what a great answer/resolution for you children. You are a great mom and a great artist! Now your mandela has inspired me to try it out. I love doodling (don't think of myself as an artist, but I love to play).

  5. Your getting a JOB! To give up all your freedom? I had hoped to have a grand child by now. It is not going to happen. You are blessed! However, I do know and understand the interruptions.
    It happens even with a child that has no child.

    Sherrie Roberts

  6. It's a great start, Vicky. Also you don't have to color ALL the little bits, leaving a bit a white gives it depth too. It's looking wonderful already though. I think the colors might need to be a 'doodling' process too, not sweating too much the color combinations. Hope all the dramas abate soon. The joys of parenthood!!!

  7. My goodness, Vicki, what a day ! Hope you can get the cat back.. And I think you are right to go on with your mandala in black and white, this will enhance the other colours ... and you'll enjoy it for sure !
    Take care !

  8. I love what you did with the colors. I think I'd like to try one doing flowers!
    Hope your daughter feels o k!!

  9. I think doing the doodling with black and coloring some in afterwards is a good idea. This looks nice but a chore isn't what you are after.

    Hope the kitty does come home.

  10. Your mandala is lovely. I love the leaves floating around. If you aren't enjoying it then try a different style with the next one. That's part of the fun. There really are no rules, it's whatever works for you.
    It's funny. You are so stressed and full of drama because your kids and grandkids live nearby and I often feel stressed because mine all live in other states. We do what we gotta do.Just take some time for yourself.

  11. You make my head spin sometimes with all you do in a day! And, you do your art and blog, too! What a woman! I agree with you and the others - use the black first, then add the colors as the spirit moves you. Re the cat - they can be gone a long time and then show up. Even dogs can do that. Who knows ... they may end up with more than one cat! hugs, nancy

  12. Well, I like the colors you are using on this and I agree that leaving some spaces white would give it a nice airy feeling that will go well with the imagery. Your description of your day overwhelmed me! Hope tomorrow is calmer for you!

  13. I did some mandalas recently and they're harder than they look. Yours is great. Maybe I'll try colour enxt time.

  14. Your zentangle mandala reminds me of some of my quilts-I had lots of colors and I used as many colors as I could. Fewer colors may have made it more peaceful. Yet, you may have needed the spring colors for you soul. You enjoyed yourself, that is what mattered.

  15. Love the combination of the designs and the colors! It seems like it's trying to tell a lot of story/theories ^^ very intelligent looking.
