
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Art with the Girls

I didn't do any traditional exercising yesterday while nursing a sore back that I think is due to being a bit overzealous while doing a new ab workout. That doesn't mean I just laid around all day.

Miss M and Miss P arrived around noon. They played with Ellabear (the kitty that will become theirs once she is spayed and declawed mid July) and then decided we should do some art. With their help the dining table was gotten ready with protective paper and then we carried out gesso, brushes, magazines, scissors, stamps, stamp pads, stickers, decorative papers, Neocolor II crayons, colored pens, and of course books in which to do art.

It was a mess, but they loved it.

After about an hour of working and the completion of a page with more gessoed in preparation for others, 

I took them to the local golf course for lunch, followed by a trip to the ice cream stand. Then we walked around the local grocery so they could pick out snacks (they are going to be spending all week except for today at my house) and Miss P chose bratwurst for dinner. We got back home and they played with Papa while I iced and then heated my back while lying in bed.

Before I knew it, it was time to get ready for Miss P's softball game. We (that is the royal we) loaded up the chairs, Miss P's equipment, and the girls and headed out. It had been threatening rain all day, but we only got a tiny bit of rain during the game - not enough to matter. Miss P is quite good at sports and didn't disappoint today. She had three really good hits, one of which caused the coach who pitches to do a bit of a dance to get out of the way, and had a good time. Tomorrow evening is her last game of this season. I couldn't help but be proud when I heard other parents talking about Miss P being a little powerhouse when she was up to bat.

Upon arriving back home, Miss P got in the shower while Papa and Miss M started dinner. We had grilled chicken and bratwurst, rice, and broccoli. I actually did the dishes before retiring to a corner with the ice bag. The girls and Papa watched a movie until their Mom arrived around 9:45 to take them home. They will be back around 7:30 tomorrow for a short day and then we will have them Thursday and Friday for sure. They may also be spending the weekend. Miss Z will arrive in the afternoon on Friday for her weekly overnight.

My back seems a bit less sore today, but I will still baby it for another day. I may walk (not jog) the treadmill later if it still feels alright. I will abort that session at the slightest hint of pain. 

I do have a little bit of art to share. These were done earlier in the week, but not shared yet.

This was an attempt at Miss M before finally doing one on the watercolor paper.

I am planning to get a digital print-out on drawing paper of the sketch I shared yesterday and will try some value studies before beginning the watercolor.

I hope you are having a wonderful day and that you are making time for your creativity.



  1. I think its beautiful and can't wait to see the addition of color,

  2. You are so lucky to have the so close! Your drawings are mighty nice and the painting will be lovey, I just know it! See you in the AM. hugs, nancy
