
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Photo(s) of the Day and EDM #17

I have a couple of photos to share with you. These are my favorite birds. I actually took these pix at my sister's house, not mine, but I get orioles too.

I am in more pain today than previously - now it seems I can't find any position in which I don't hurt. I am being seen at 2:40 this afternoon and am hoping to get some kind of relief and perhaps even a diagnosis. I know that is a lot to ask for, but c'mon I've been hurting long enough and this has just got to stop.

I've not been doing much art, but I do have EDM #17 to share. It is to draw a musical instrument. This is not a great drawing, but at least it is recognizable:

I've been contacted by a company that makes a product you might be interested in and she is going to send me one to review on my blog and is sending a second one for me to offer as a giveaway. How cool is that??  Stay tuned.....

I am hoping to know what is wrong with me by the time I "see" you tomorrow and hopefully be on the road to recovery.



  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope the doctors can figure out your problem this afternoon. And I hope the treatment will be to take one pill and take a nap and you'll be fine by morning!

    I LOVE your oriole photos. Could I have your permission to use them as reference photos for a sketch or painting? I've been trying to think up something for a new work and these photos have inspired me, although I might not be able to start until fall.

  2. Your bird fphotos are just wonderful! Good luck at the doctor--hope you will get some relief.

  3. I hope that you are having a sucessful visit to your doctor - best wishes from here.
    Lovely photos and beautiful birds.

  4. Great photos. Your guitar is pretty darn good! If it's not a guitar it's my lack, not your drawing!

    I sure hope they find what is going on with you. Pain is bad enough but there is usually a cause and you need to know what it is.

  5. Beauteous boids! I wish we had orioles here, but alas, none so far. I'm there with you, and here for you. Call me any time - day or nite, my dear. hugs, nancy

  6. I hope you get a diagnosis quickly, but not likely in this day and age...all the referrals, red tape, wait, wait...maybe some pain meds to give you some relief though.

    The drawing is fine, the main thing is that your DOING it, not sitting on the back burner like me and only thinking about it.

    Keep in touch, let us know how it goes.

  7. Lovely photos, your lucky to be able to get so close. I hope you get on ok later and start to feel better, I'll be thinking of you.

  8. I'm crossing my fingers for you! I so hope they find out what it is, and that it is just a minor thing, easily fixed. I can hardly imagine drawing anything when I'm in pain. Your guitar is great! So is your bird photo. Amazing how close you got with this!

    You're in my thoughts...

  9. Beautiful photos! And I like the sketch too because it's a guitar! And i love guitars ^^ Hopefully things are already better, I'll pray for you.
