
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fog, Kaleidoscopes, Other Patterns, and More Postcards

It is quite foggy in this part of the world this morning and I am feeling a bit foggy myself. I've had a "crick" in my neck for three or four days and it is becoming very annoying. Of course, it wasn't helped by the fact that I slept with a 6 year old and a 2 year old a couple of nights ago.

After writing the kaleidoscope tutorial yesterday, I had to try another. I am not kidding you, these are so addicting.....

This began as a male oriole at a feeder.
Also, some time ago I found a program called Snowflake that is very cool. It begins as a symmetrical shape with a few handles on one of the pieces. You drag the handles and all the symmetric pieces move together to make another symmetrical shape. Fun! Here is a fun shape I made by first making a snowflake and then selecting the end shapes and cutting the shapes out of a bandana print (digitally, not with scissors). I then rendered clouds behind them and distorted the clouds with the wave filter to make the background. Lastly, I connected the shapes. Not nearly as addicting as the kaleidoscopes, but fun nonetheless.
Not sure what I will do with this idea yet, but will surely play more.
Yesterday was a trying day. First I was in the middle of a very long tutorial and we lost power. Then my son showed up for help with his Algebra (yay!) so I couldn't get to the post office and run my errands early in the day as planned. Finally around 3:30 I went to the post office and then to Meijer's for a few groceries. Wrong time of day to go to Meijer's. I'm sure if I had made it there early in the day as planned it would not have been nearly as busy. 
But all that was blown away by the fact that when I returned I had three postcards in the mail - one from California, one from Lithuania, and one from Poland. Hooray! Also, my son stayed for dinner. I made BLTs and corn on the cob. Delish!!
Today is a new day and I hope to get off the computer (digital play is really fun, too) and get my hands dirty working on new projects.
Hope to see you tomorrow....


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