
Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Joy Diet

  • This dot is leftover from trying to format the list below - I can't seem to get rid of it! So just ignore it and go on to the next paragraph which is officially the start of this post. %-)
When I first saw mention of The Joy Diet through a post on Facebook by Gretchen Wegner I thought "Hmmm, a diet that makes you joyful?" "It must be an avocado and chocolate diet!"

Actually The Joy Diet by Martha Beck is "a menu of ten behaviours you can add to your way of living and thinking to enhance every day's journey through the unpredictable terrain of your existence. You can add these behaviours gradually and watch your life become steadily more vivid and satisfying. Or you can go on a "crash Joy Diet" to help you navigate life's emergencies." This is from the inside cover.

Jamie Ridler has a book blog adventure group to read this book together and share what it is like for us personally. The chapters in the book have intriguing names:

  • Nothing
  • Truth
  • Desire
  • Creativity
  • Risk
  • Treats
  • Play
  • Laughter
  • Connection
  • Feasting

For week one we are reading the first chapter, Nothing.
Jamie suggests posting on Fridays (I know it is Saturday!), but there are no hard, fast rules. This is about experiencing Joy, after all.

Previous books that Jamie shared with her blog adventure group included Soul Coaching and Wreck This Journal.

Well, I have a dishwasher full of clean dishes, a cupboard with dirty dishes, and a house that needs more than a little TLC. We have invited the kids and their kids and the BIL and his son for a wienie roast this evening. You know what that means - the 15 minutes of nothing today will have to wait until after I get this blogging body in gear.

Bye for now!


  1. Avocado and chocolate would be a great diet!! But this is going to be a diet where the "calories" are fat free and we can have as much as we want!! Looking forward to spending time with you on this diet of joyfulness!

  2. Just stopped by to say Hi! I look forward to our new adventure into Joy. Have a great week.

  3. looking forward to journeying through "The Joy Diet" with you and our fellow dieters.

  4. This promises to be the best diet!
    I'm looking forward to the enJOYment!
